How to work with the media and become the ‘go to’ expert

Knowing how to work with the media can give you a crucial edge over the competition when it comes to climbing the career ladder. By strategically engaging with the media, you can increase your visibility and establish yourself as an expert.

Focus your media engagement

The key here is to focus your attention. Where do you want to be seen and heard? The answer to that question should be: “wherever my clients, prospects and key intermediaries are”.

That could be national titles, local news outlets or key sector trade press. Although print and online publications may be the obvious choices, radio and TV interviews could also be suitable.

Tailor your strategy

Tailor your media engagement strategy accordingly. For example, if you specialise in corporate law, consider targeting business newspapers, finance-focused TV and radio shows, and industry-specific magazines.

Be responsive and reliable

If you do receive media opportunities, it’s crucial that you respond promptly and deliver. Journalists often work under tight deadlines. They want to work with people they can count on. So, be responsive and deliver on time.

Communicate clearly and concisely

Whether it’s print, radio or TV, they are all looking for you to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner to their readers, listeners or viewers.

Get it right and you should be quoted and they’ll ask you again allowing you to establish yourself as a reliable source in your expert area.

Tips for working with the media and maximising opportunities

  • Do your research. Know the topic inside out and anticipate potential questions that journalists might ask. Prepare key talking points but don’t go in with a script.
  • Practise. Consider doing mock interviews with a colleague or media trainer to refine your responses and boost your confidence.
  • Speak clearly and use straightforward terms. If you understand it properly you should be able to explain it simply. Use examples to make it tangible.
  • Stay composed. If faced with challenging or unexpected questions, remain calm and answer as honestly as possible. If you don’t know the answer, it’s acceptable to say so and offer to follow up later with additional information.
  • Maintain confidentiality. Always respect and maintain client confidentiality. Avoid revealing sensitive client information without explicit consent.

For an informal chat about how to work with the media to establish yourself as the expert and climb the career ladder, please feel free to get in touch.