Communicating a rebrand

Office desk with computer screen showing brand elements

Rebranding your company can feel like juggling while riding a unicycle – you need to keep your current brand active while introducing a new identity. So, how do you go about communicating a rebrand without dropping the ball?

Firstly, it’s crucial to remember that a rebrand is not simply a fresh logo or a new colour scheme; it’s about redefining who you are. While the design process shapes your new look, how you communicate these changes with your clients and wider market is arguably more important.

Stay in the spotlight by focusing on what’s not changing

The worst thing you can do ahead of a rebrand is to go silent. If you stop communicating, you risk losing your audience’s attention and interest. Think of it like a TV show – if you stop airing episodes, people might find something else to watch. Keep your brand active in the public eye by continuing your PR efforts. This way, when your new brand launches, people will still be paying attention.

Remember, not everything about your brand will change during a rebrand. Some elements, like your core services and industry expertise, will remain the same. Highlight these aspects in your communications. They provide stability and serve as a bridge between the old and new identities, helping to prevent confusion.

Don’t let the visuals steal the show

While a fresh logo and colour scheme are important, they shouldn’t be the focal point of your messaging. Instead, use the rebrand as an opportunity to convey a strategic message – whether it’s about your company’s growth, expansion into new markets, or commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. The visual changes should support this broader narrative, not overshadow it. To strengthen your positioning, consider launching strategic PR activities, such as a report or market insights piece, that highlight your firm’s expertise and leadership in the industry.

Gradually introduce changes to your new brand

In the lead-up to your rebrand, start introducing your audience to new themes, ideas, or language that will become central to your new brand. Give them a teaser of what’s to come. This approach helps them get used to the changes and makes them feel involved in the journey. By the time the rebrand officially happens, it won’t be such a shock because you’ve already laid the groundwork.

Align all activities with the new brand positioning

Before the official launch, take the time to review all your sponsorships, advertising, and ESG activities. Look at everything through the lens of your new brand identity and ask, “Is this building our positioning?” If it isn’t, consider reallocating those resources to initiatives that better align with your new direction. This ensures consistency across all touchpoints and reinforces your new identity in every aspect of your business.

Prepare for increased visibility

As the rebrand launch approaches, it’s also an ideal time to ensure your new website has plenty of high-quality content. A rebrand often sparks a surge in visits to your site, so having engaging and relevant content ready will help capture your audience’s attention while they’re focused on your brand. Your website should not only reflect the new brand identity but also provide value to visitors, encouraging them to explore further and engage with your offerings.

Some practical tips for communicating a rebrand 

  • Don’t wait until the last moment to talk about your rebrand. Early communication helps your audience ease into the change.
  • Ensure everyone in your company understands the rebrand. They are your biggest advocates and can help spread the word.
  • Don’t rely on just one platform to communicate your rebrand. Use social media, email, press releases, and other channels where your audience is active.
  • If your rebrand involves significant changes, like a merger or shift in services, be honest about it.
  • When the time comes to officially launch your new brand, make it a celebration! Host an event, run a special campaign, or offer a promotion to mark the occasion and generate excitement.

If you’d like to discuss how you should be communicating a rebrand project, and wondering where to start, please get in touch.

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